ArmeniaA crowd of friends family members and guards gather in a jail's yard in Armenia to assist at a baptism of prisoners by the Orthodox Armenian Church. Picture taken in 1994 by ©Normand Blouin
Religion-EgyptEgypte Azyut 03 septembre, 2013--Le père Agaustino, un jésuite, tient un crucifix noirci et chauffé par le feu dans son église d'Azyut en Haute Égypte le 03 septembre 2013Normand Blouin/
SistersSoeur Suzanne, décédée la veille, est exposer dans une salle du cloître des soeurs du Précieux Sang/ A nun whom just died is exposed at the nun's cloister of the Precious Blood in Saint-Hyacinthe Qc. Photo Normand Blouin
Pope CubaYoung priests acclaim the Pope John Paul II in a street of Havana, January 1998.
AfghanistanHekmatiar's fighter holds a bouquet de fleurs with is rocket launcher in Jalabad, Afghanistan, May 1992.©Normand Blouin
CubaA young Cuban girl poses for photographer in San Felipe Cuba, January 1998. ©Normand Blouin
ArmeniaCivil rights prisonner in a jail in Armenia, 1994. ©Normand Blouin
Coleman, Dakar, SenegalUn charbonnier locale prend une pause de son camion à pleine charge dans Marché Castor de, la capitale Dakar le 30 mai 2008. Les pays africains sont serrés dans un étau de la flambée des prix des carburants et des produits alimentaires importés. Des mesures d'urgence de nombreux gouvernements pour tenter d'atténuer l'impact sur les consommateurs pourrait ruiner les budgets financiers déjà très sollicitées. A local coalman takes a break by his full load truck in Marché Castor of the capital Dakar, May 30, 2008. African countries are being squeezed in a vice of soaring prices for imported fuel and food and the emergency measures many of their governments are applying to try to soften the impact on consumers could wreck already stretched financial budgets. The measures include slashing taxes on food imports and boosting food and fuel subsidies. Photo Normand Blouin
AfricaDe jeunes hommes aspirants lutteurs courent sur une plage de Mbour à parfaire leur conditionnement physique. La lutte au Sénégal est plus populaire que le soccer car devenir champion procure une richesse instantanné.Young men aspiring wrestlers run over a beach in Mbour to make up their fitness. Wrestling in Senegal is more popular than soccer since becoming champion provides instant wealth.PHOTO / NORMAND BLOUIN
Love-Amour-CubaJanvier 1998-San Felipe Cuba: Zunilda embrasse son fils Juancy sur le cheval de son mari Juan. C'était à l'époque où l'amour régnait en maître où rien ne pouvait s'interférer dans la vie de ces gens. Encore une fois, j'étais subjugué par la beauté de cette famille de cet amour. Photo Normand Blouin January 08, 1998-San Felipe, Cuba: Mother Zunida kisses her little boy Juanito on the horse of her husban Juan. Every morning Juan left early to go work on his land where he grew corn and manioc. (Normand Blouin Polaris)
CastroFidel Castro in his limousine behind Montreal City Hall. Mr. Castro paid a visit to Montreal City Hall late yesterday,where his old friend's body lay in state, and said in a statement that Mr. Trudeau "made a transcendental contribution to the modern history of Canada. photo ©Normand Blouin
AfricaDes enfants posent fièrement devant une demeure de la décharge de Mbeubeus près de Dakar au Sénégal. Environ 5000 personnes vivent en bordure immédiate de la décharge et travailent principalement à recycler les déchets des Dakarois.Children proudly pose in front of a home in Mbeubeus’s dump near Dakar, Senegal. About 5,000 people live right by the landfill and work primarily to recycle waste from Dakar.PHOTO/ NORMAND BLOUIN
President George W. BushPresident George W. Bush seems to wonder on his way to the helicopter on the South lawn of The White House. 2006.©Normand Blouin
HaïtiPort au Prince, Haiti, 16-09-2002. An old women sit where used to be is home in a neighbourhood called Cité Soleil. Clashes between resident ended up with 500 undred burned house
RecyclingA young boy sits behind a garbage truck in Mbeubeuss, a large slump near Dakar Senegal january 25, 2008. Photo Normand Blouin
Funerals February 02, 2017- Montréal, Québec, Canada: Mme Chayma BenHaj agit comme maître de cérémonie devant un patrterre composé des membres de la communauté Musulmane et proches des victimes ainsi que du premier Ministre du Canada Justin Trudeau, le Premier Ministre du Québec Philippe Couillard, le maire de Montréal Denis Coderre et le mairee de Québec, M. Régis Labeaume. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Quebec Prime Minister Philippe Couillard, Quebec Mayor Labeaume and Montreal mayor Denis Coderrre assist to the funeral of the Quebec shooting today at Arena Maurice Richard in Montreal. Photo Polaris Normand Blouin
HenriMy son Henri
HillbilliesThree man in a pick-up truck stop by in a remote area of Quebec, Canada. ©Normand Blouin
US Congres
Prison, ArmeniaPrisonnier stands in a row watching other prisonnier getting baptized
AfghanistanJalalabad Afghanistan May 1992. A lagre crowd of afghan gather in a park in Jalalabad to listen to Afghan leader Gurbadin Hekmatiar. Photo NORMAND BLOUIN
AfghanistanAn elder watchs over a little boy injured by sharpnel in the street of Kabul, Afghanistan, May 1992. Shortly after Commandant Massoud took over Kabul, clashes among Moudjahidine raged in the city causing casualty among civilian especialy women and children. PHOTO/Normand Blouin
Dance AfricaGuinée Bissau 2009 Un rassemblement de femmes Diola, danse pour célébrer un nouveau moulin à riz dans leur village offert par la Croix-Rouge. Photo Normand Blouin. Guinée Bissau 2009. A gathering of women Diola, dance to celebrate a new rice mill in their village offered by the Red Cross. Photo Normand Blouin
AfghanistanFunerals near Kabul May 1992, ©Normand Blouin
ObamaSenator Barck Obama during a press conference about Darfur with actor George Clooney
Oh my God!A man walks by the remains of Sacré Coeur Church in the Haitian Capital, Port-au-Prince, February 12, 2010, exactly one month after the earthquake.ABACAPRESS/ Normand Blouin
AhmadinejadIran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad waves as he attends the opening session of the two-day Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) summit in Dakar March 13, 2008PHOTO / Normand Blouin (SENEGAL)
SenegalSaleswomen gather in the streets of St-Louis to offer clothe and jewellery while thousands of peoples from all over West Africa merge to St-Louis Senegal Tuesday 4, September 2007. Saint Louis, was the original capital of Senegal but became the capital of French West Africa.PHOTO NORMAND BLOUIN
Oh mon Dieu!A young man who just got wounded by accident is surrounded by tens of people. The man believes he's going to die and say ''Oh mon Dieu je vais mourrir''
Garçon à la baguetteUn jeune garçon qui tient deux baguettes de pain à la main, saute sur une caisse de Coca-Cola pour eviter le terrain complètement innondé du vilage de Thiaroye en banlieu de Dakar le 29 septembre 2008. Thiaroye est un village construit dans un ancien marais assèché. Mais lorsque la saison des pluies revient tout le territoire s'innonde pendant des mois ce qui favorise la prolifèrationdes moustiques et par conséquent une recrudescence de malaria. PHOTO/NORMAND BLOUIN A young boy holding a baguette in hand, jumps on a case of Coca-Cola to avoid the ground completely flooded in the vilage of Thiaroye suburb of Dakar on September 29, 2008 Thiaroye is a village built in a former swamp dries . But when the rainy season comes up all the territory inundates for months which encourages mosquitoes prolifèrationdes and consequently an increase in malaria. PHOTO / Normand Blouin
Canadian help reliefMajor Brizay addresses to Darlaine in the inter care ward at the first field hospital in Léogane Haiti, February 10, 2010.©Normand Blouin
AfghanistanUne jeune femme regarde les radiographies de son enfant blessé dans un hôpital de la croix rouge à Kabul, Afghanistan. Mai 1992A young woman looks at X-rays showing shrapnel in her enfant's head at the Red Cross hospital in Kabul Afghanistan, May 1992. ©Normand Blouin
help reliefChildren of the Orphan Notre-Dame de la Nativité, Fontamara 27, near Port-au-Prince February 09, 2010.
Photo Normand Blouin
Cuba Revisited 1998-2016-AbsenceMarch 15,2016-San Felipe Cuba. Un homme rammasse du tabac à la main dans un champs bordant l'ancienne maison de Julissa. À San Felipe le temps s'est arrêté, tout se fait comme avant à la main d'homme ou encore avec l'aide des animaux. Photo Normand Blouin
Mauritania AttackMauritanian security officials examine bullet holes in a car parked outside the Israeli embassy in the capital Nouakchott which was attacked by gunmen, Friday Feb. 1, 2008. Following attacks by alleged al Qaeda militants in December, Western diplomats have expressed concern over a Islamic militant clique in traditionally-moderate Mauritania, one of the only Arab countries to maintain diplomatic relations with Israel.
FoodDe jeunes enfants se réunissent pour manger leur seul repas de la journée dans un village près de Mbour au Sénégal, le 06 mai 2009 Photos Normand Blouin
Young kids gather to eat their only meal of the day in a village near Mbour in Senegal, May 06, 2009. Photos Normand Blouin
Ma KamaraMa Kamara est allongé dans une pièce humide entouré de deux femmes qui veillent sur elle. On ne sait pas ce qu'elle a mais elle n'est pas forte. Elle me regarde tendrement ne comprenant pas ce qui lui arrive ce que je fais là. Je suis ému par cette scène que je n'attendais pas, je n'avais penser à la mort ce jour là, je cherchais à à documenter un petit village à 20 kilomètres de Dakar inondé depuis le début de la saison des pluies. J'y suis retourné trois jour plus tard, prendre des nouvelles de Ma Kamara, elle était morte! She died few days after this picture was taken.
Cuba/internet-2016Havana, Cuba, 21 mars 2016 : Havana, Cuba, 21 March 2016. A young woman takes advantage of her internet connection under the gaze of the taxi driver while they are near the Havana Libre hotel. Anyone who went to Cuba quickly realized the difficulty of connecting to the Internet. In large hotels it is possible for a few dollars to connect with a more or less acceptable speed but for the Cuban few dollars represents a significant sum that not everyone can afford. For some time, young hackers, hacking the connections near the big hotels of the capital Havana and some big cities of regions. So for one dollar it is possible to connect for one hour to Pinar Del Rio and for three dollars, one hour to Havana. It is young hackers doing gold business because the Cuban craze for the web is viral but they sometimes get arrested for illegal trade. Here is a series of photographs taken during the visit of President Barack Obama to Cuba last March. Photo Normand Blouin
Burning Faith 07Egypt, Assiout, Septembre 3, 2013— Worshipers get together to pray in a coptic church that was spared from the violence in Assiout because it’s hidden from the street, set up inside the walls of another building. Copts, who were in Egypt before Muslims, have been persecuted for centuries. The census conducted under the British Rule from 1882 until 1937 showed a steady decline of the Copts. Under Nassr, Copts were harshly hit by nationalization as they held more than 50% of the country’s health. Photo ©Normand Blouin
Haiti Rébellion 2004Gonaïve, Haiti, 19-02-2004, Une foule estimé à environ 3000 personnes s'est réunis sur la place de l'indépendance
à Gonaive pour écouter les membres des force rebelle de l'Artibonite
africa footDes milliers de personnes assistent à un match de soccer dans le stade Leopold Senghor à Dakar le 8 septembre 2007. Le Sénégal remporta le match de façon spectaculaire contre le Burkina Fasso au compe de 4-1. Photo Normand BlouinThousands of peoples gather in Stadium for the game Senegal vs Burkina Fasso Saturday September 8, 2007. Senegal won 4 to 1 in a spectacular end of game.PHOTO NORMAND BLOUIN
reliefAn injured soccer fan is evacuated after clashes during the 2010 World Cup qualifying soccer match between Senegal and Gambia in Dakar October 11, 2008. Angry Senegalese fans attacked the country's soccer federation headquarters on Saturday, smashing windows, after the national team was eliminated from qualifying for the 2010 World Cup by drawing 1-1 with Gambia. Picture taken October 11, 2008. REUTERS/Normand Blouin (SENEGAL)